Words and Pictures
Inheroic unadventures, becoming of age antidotes, and originless bodies. Tales I done made up.
Essays, assails, analyses, and reflections on things occurring IRL, frfr, no cap.
Comics & Zines
The juxtaposition of static icons and great, big balloony lettercraft, or whatever Scott McCloud said.
Of all manners of immateria. Things found in the terrifying realms of nature & the mind.
Jonny D. Lim (b. 1985, Toronto) is one of those haughty 'creative' types whose tortured consciousness floats in the aethereal aeroplanes of the commonwealth of pennsylvania, with spouse (Madison) & cat (Chicken), where towns burn underfoot from eternal coal fires, and the Amish hire van drivers to shop at the local Walmart with their kapp-covered kin.